Yesheb'ab <03428>
babvy Yesheb'ab
Pelafalan: yeh-sheb-awb'
Asal Mula: from 03427 and 01
Referensi: -
Jenis: n pr m (noun proper masculine)
Dalam TB: Yesebeab 1
Dalam AV: Jeshebeab 1
Jumlah: 1
- Jeshebeab = "dwelling of the father"
1) a Levite, head of the 14th course of the priests
- from 3427 and 1; seat of (his) father; Jeshebab, an Israelite: KJV -- Jeshebeab.
see HEBREW for 03427
see HEBREW for 01
Variasi dalam Alkitab:
Yesebeab (TB, TL, FAYH)