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<< 5837 >>


Lihat Definisi untuk dokeo 1380
Lihat Definisi untuk hegeomai 2233
Lihat Definisi untuk nomizo 3543
Lihat Definisi untuk oiomai 3633
Lihat Definisi untuk phaino 5316

Bandingkan: 1380, 5316

1380 - refers to the subjective judgment, which may or may not
conform to the fact

5316 - refers to the actual external appearance, generally
correct, but possibly deceptive

Bandingkan: 1380, 2233 (2), 3543 (2), 3633

2233 and 3543 denote a belief resting not on one's inner
feeling or sentiment, but on the due consideration of
external grounds, and the weighing and comparing of facts.
1380 and 3633 on the other hand, describe a subjective
judgment growing out of inclination or a view of facts in
their relation to us. 2233 denotes a more deliberate and
careful judgment than 3543; 3633 a subjective judgment which
has feeling rather than thought (1380) for its ground.

<< 5837 >>

Pencarian Tepat
Pencarian: pasal (Mat 5); ayat (Mat 5:11); kutipan (Mat 5:1-12); kata (Surga); nomor strong (25);