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<< 5893 >>

Sinonim untuk: Beautiful, Graceful.

Lihat Definisi untuk asteiov 791
Lihat Definisi untuk wraiov 5611
Lihat Definisi untuk kalov 2570

asteiov is properly one living in a city, urban. It soon acquires
the meaning urbane, polite, elegant. Then it obtains to a limited
extent the meaning beautiful, although never in the highest degree.

wraiov, from wra, hour, period, means properly timely.
From that comes the idea of being beautiful, since nearly everything
is beautiful in its hour of fullest perfection.

kalov is a much higher word. It means beautiful, physically or
morally. It is, however, distinctly the beauty which comes from
harmony, the beauty which arises from a symmetrical adjustment in
right proportion, in other words, from the harmonious completeness of
the object concerned.

<< 5893 >>

Pencarian Tepat
Pencarian: pasal (Mat 5); ayat (Mat 5:11); kutipan (Mat 5:1-12); kata (Surga); nomor strong (25);