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<< 5914 >>

Sinonim untuk: To Love.

Lihat Definisi untuk agapaw 25
Lihat Definisi untuk filew 5368

agapaw, and not filew, is the word used of God's love to men,
filanyropia is, however, once used with this meaning, Tit 3:4.
agapaw is also the word ordinarily used of men's love to God, but
filew is once so used, 1Co 16:22. agapaw is the word used
of love to one's enemies. The interchange of the words in
Joh 21:15-17 is very interesting and instructive.

<< 5914 >>

Pencarian Tepat
Pencarian: pasal (Mat 5); ayat (Mat 5:11); kutipan (Mat 5:1-12); kata (Surga); nomor strong (25);