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<< 5926 >>

Sinonim untuk: Darkness.

Lihat Definisi untuk skotov 4655
Lihat Definisi untuk gnofov 1105
Lihat Definisi untuk zofov 2217
Lihat Definisi untuk acluv 887

skotov is a general word, meaning darkness in any sense.

gnofov usually refers to darkness that accompanies a storm.

zofov meant originally the gloom of twilight. It was then
applied in classical Greek to the darkness of the underworld, the gloom
of a sunless region. The latter meaning seems to be practically the one
which the word has in the N.T.

acluv is specifically a misty darkness.

<< 5926 >>

Pencarian Tepat
Pencarian: pasal (Mat 5); ayat (Mat 5:11); kutipan (Mat 5:1-12); kata (Surga); nomor strong (25);